摘要:本文通过用丁基胶、硅酮胶和/或玻璃胶制作一系列中空玻璃及丁基胶/硅酮胶/玻璃胶的相容性检测及结果分析,得出中空玻璃内、外道丁基/硅酮中空玻璃密封胶装框使用过程中发生溶解或溶胀的根源之一在于使用了含矿物油的玻璃胶。 Summary:This article gets the conclusion: the origin of dissolving or expanding of Inner and outer butyl/silicone in the process of putting aluminium spqcer is depending On glass sealant with mineral oil using through making series of insulating glass with Butyl, silicone or glass sealant and consistency measuring and result analysis for Butyl/silicone/glass sealant.