Fenestration Days China 2010 中国国际门窗幕墙高级研讨会
主题: 与世博同行—打造节能、低碳、绿色建筑外衣
时间:2010年11月2日 第一天
Time:November 2nd,2010 Conference Day
开幕式主持人:黄圻先生 中国建筑金属结构协会副秘书长
Hosted by :Mr. Qi Huang ,Deputy General Secretary China Construction Metal Structure Association
Registration & Badge Claim
Introduction of Speakers and VIPs
Welcome Address from President Bing Yao, CCMSA
Greeting from Technoform Bautec(HK)Mr. Gary Wang ,General Manager
节能技术专场 Energy Efficiency Showcase
研讨会主持人:王双军先生 沈阳远大企业集团教授级高级工程师
Mr. Tony Wang, Professorship Senior Engineer Shenyang Yuanda Enterprise Group
Energy Saving - Presentation Status Quo and Future Trends
泰诺风保泰德国 沙特施耐德先生 销售总监
Mr. Horst Schattschneider ,Sales Director Technoform Bautec Germany
Discussion on Energy Conservation Technical Measures of UPVC Windows and Doors used in Buildings
维卡塑料(上海)有限公司 陈祺先生 技术总监
Mr. Qi Chen,Technical Director VEKA Plastics(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
11:00am-11:10am:茶歇 Tea Break
11:10am-11:50am: 之于提升住宅资产价值的门窗高水密性能的必要性分析
The Analysis on the Necessity of Highly Watertight Performance of Doors and Windows to the Increased Value of Residence
YKK(中国)投资有限公司苏州研发分公司 王伟先生 商品开发经理
Mr. Wei Wang,R&D Manager Research & Development Dept. Suzhou R&D Branch YKK (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
11:50am-13:30pm 午餐 Lunch
13:30pm-14:10pm 钢框架玻璃幕墙的节能技术
Energy Saving for Façades with Steel Profile Systems
瑞士严实股份公司上海代表处 郭黎阳先生 产品总监
Mr. Peter Guhl, Director of Product Management Jansen Ltd. Shanghai Representative Office
14:10pm-14:50pm 真空玻璃的寿命及应用
Vacuum glazing: lifetime and applications
悉尼大学 尼尔森博士 物理学家
DR. Nelson Ng, Physicist The University of Sydney
14:50pm -15:00pm 茶歇 Tea Break
15:00pm -15:40pm 隔热铝合金门窗的节能系统化设计
Optimization of Insulated Energy Saving Aluminum Window
泰诺风保泰(苏州)隔热材料有限公司 刘军先生 技术总监
Mr. Joune Liu, Technical Director Technoform Bautec (Suzhou) Thermal Insulation Material Co. ,Ltd.
世博工程案例专场 Case Analysis of Expo Showcase
15:40pm -16:20pm 世博会上的新颖幕墙
Curtain Walls with Novelty in Expo 2010 Shanghai
中国建筑科学研究院 赵西安先生 研究员
Mr. Xi’an Zhao ,Researcher China Academy of Building Research
16:20pm -17:00pm 超曲面双层金属幕墙在工程中的应用
The Application of Hyper-surface Double-layer Metal Curtain Wall in the Project
北京江河幕墙股份有限公司 吴旭东先生 副总工程师
Mr. Xudong Wu, Deputy Chief Engineer Beijing Jangho Curtain Wall Co., Ltd.
November 3rd,2010 Conference Day
世博工程案例专场 Case Analysis of Expo Showcase
Hosted by : 黄小坤先生 中国建筑科学研究院研究员
Mr. Xiaokun Huang, Prof. of China Academy of Building Research
Curtain Wall Introduction of Shanghai Expo Center
沈阳远大企业集团 王双军先生 教授级高级工程师
Mr. Tony Wang ,Professorship Senior Engineer Shenyang Yuanda Enterprise Group
Design on the Energy Efficient Window for Shanghai Eco-housing——the Expo Case
上海市建筑科学研究院(集团)有限公司 范宏武博士 高级工程师
Dr. Hongwu Fan,Ph.D. Senior Engineer Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences
10:20am-10:30am 茶歇 Tea Break
建筑玻璃/光伏专场 Architectural Glass / BIPV Showcase
Analysis of Low-E laminated Glass
上海耀华皮尔金顿玻璃股份有限公司 牛晓先生 高级工程师
Mr. Xiao Niu,Senior Engineer Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Co., Ltd.
PV Technology Application & Standard Research in China
国家住宅与居住环境工程技术研究中心 仲继寿博士 主任
Dr. Jishou Zhong,Director China National Engineering Research Center for Human Settlements
11:50am-13:30pm 午餐 Lunch
Structural Glazing Silicone in Gas Filled Insulating Glass - Main Airport Center
道康宁(上海)管理有限公司 王文开先生 高级技术工程师
Mr. Eric Wang,Senior Technical Engineer Dow Corning GmbH
14:10pm-14:50pm 天然石材幕墙板的最新欧洲ETA认证
New european ETA approval generation for natural stone facade panels
德国慧鱼集团 温特维格博士 ACT业务总经理
Dr. Roland Unterweger,ACT General Manager Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
14:50pm-15:00pm 茶歇 Tea Break
15:00pm-15:40pm 建筑行业的可持续发展
Sustainability in the building industry
德国旭格国际集团 霍伊斯勒博士 高级技术副总裁
Dr.-Ing. Winfried Heusler ,Senior Vice President Engineering Schüco International KG
15:40pm-16:20pm 充气中空玻璃的生产过程控制和质量检测
The Production Control of Gas Filled Insulating Glass Units and its Quality Control
联合太平洋(北京)科技发展有限公司 王铁华先生 总经理
Mr. Bill Wang ,General Manager Joint Pacific Beijing Ltd.