5月12日中国四川发生30年不遇的特大地震,造成了重大人员伤亡。世界上众多关心中国的外国网民、海外华侨和留学生通过中国日报网24小时不间断跟踪报道,及时获悉地震灾区的信息。他们在我网留言,表达了对地震灾区受难者和家庭的爱和祝福,赞扬中国政府反应迅速。 以下是部分留言的中文译文。
canadianbob (加拿大)
Giving blood.....
This is an excellent idea, if you want to help but havelimitedfunds (students?). It is practically painless and your bodywillreplace it in a few days if you are in good health. Thecomponentscan be seted (by centrifuge)and frozen to be shippedwherever theyare needed. I had a part-time job at a blood bank manyyears agowhen I was a student (keeping inventory in the freezer). Ihavedonated about 50 times myself over the years, and I"m stillaboveground. I know many Chinese are wary of this (donating blood),butit is really a great thing to do for those injured in thedisaster,and you could actually save someone"s life. We "littlepeanuts"must do what we can from all over the world, and a mountainofpeanuts is no small thing. I was very impressed withthegovernment"s prompt response and unrestricted coverage.Theefficient mobilization of resources, grateful acceptance ofaidfrom other countries and excellent moral support offered bythePremier was a beautiful thing to see. Anyways, give blood TheEastis Red(Cross)!
sock_monkey (美国)
People Of China, Our Thoughts Are With You
I am an American who had the good fortune of living in China forayear. I fell in love wth the kind people, the beautiful culture,andof course the great food. I miss China very much! I just wantedtosend all my best wishes to the people in Sichuan as theystrugglewith this horrible earthquake. My heart go out to thepeople ofChina during this difficult time and I hope that thepeople ofSichuan face a minimum of hardship. We in America arethinking ofyou and wishing all the best for you!
Martin Padgett (加拿大)
My name is Martin Padgett and I live in Toronto, Canada. In2003,I became the first foreigner to teach at Aba Teachers College.Ialso have wonderful memories of my time there. Fortunately, Ihavereceived word that the students and teachers at the collegearesafe. Photos taken by air after the earthquake show thestudentsand teachers camped in the sports field. The buildings areallstanding.
Ho Sai Yuen (加拿大)
Kudos to Premier Wen for his quick response and dedicationinanswering to the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province.
The Premier"s true sense of dedication is not only commendablebutshould be recorded in the annals of history.
We are deeply touched by such a good and dedicated premiere inourmidst - we feel proud as well as prideful to have him activelyandtirelessly serving the nation in such a humble manner!
He is always in the forefront whenever a disaster ornaturalcalamities affect the people at the grassroots level.
His exemplary example and love of the people should be emulatedbyboth government officials and bureacrats all over China.
He has set an excellent example which is hard to match.
His untiring efforts are both an encouragement and asset toourcountry.
In this crucial context, the Nobel Foundation shouldconsiderawarding Premier Wen a Noble Peace Prize this year for hisnaturalsense of dedication and devotion to his people andtherebycontributing to international peace not only East Asia butall overthe world...!
Loving everyone(HK)
I just watched a segment on CNN about the China earthquake. Iwasmoved by the mobilization of the PLA and Wen. No matter whatourdifferences are politically, the world sends its love totheChinese people and our prayers.
As a person in China for almost ten years now, sincerely prayforthose who are suffering now. And bless the efforts of therescuers.Seeing PLA troop into remote areas is an awesome and greatthingdone by China.
Mike (HK)
Condolence to the survivors and families of those victims whowerekilled by the massive 7.9 magnitude earth quake on May12,2008especially student with their aspirations, hopes notbeingfulfilled, what a sad and sorrowful thing that their life werenotspared , these potential future leaders and their dreamswereprematurely terminated. Let peace & serenity be withthem.
Chris Bloor (澳大利亚)
I have been to China 8 times and have many good friendsinChengdu. I am heartbroken over the damage this earthquakehascaused. I really love China and the Chinese people and want tosaythat here in Australia I am praying for the victims andtheirfamilies.
I also want to say how impressed I am with the swift responseofthe Chinese government. Very inspiring.
A thousand thanks to the PLA and the police force who wentintothe rescue action almost immediately without delay! Go, go,go!Keep up the high spirit and rescue as many as possible thosewhoare still trapped under the rubble. All of you have donetheChinese nation proud for such speedy action to save everysurvivingcompatriot.
! 他们没有任何拖延迅速赶到现场!请你们保持高昂的斗志,尽可能多地拯救被困群众。中国为你们拯救同胞的快速反应感到骄傲!
One World (香港)
We only have one world, we are all people of that world.Seeingthe loss of life, especially children but also the wives,husbands,mothers, fathers and others, has caused tears to flood myeyes.
I feel so deeply for all the families who are suffering fromthisdisaster. I only hope that you can regain peace in your heartssoonas hard as it may be to imagine at this time.
We the world must unite together to show that we are behindthosein need in Sichuan and the other provinces nearby.